TVTC offers training to make Reasonable Cause drug test or Reasonable Suspicion alcohol test determinations.
To be compliant with the Alabama Drug Free Workplace Program, all supervisors MUST annually attend supervisor training on how to recognize signs of substance abuse, how to document and collaborate signs of employee substance abuse, and how to refer substance abusing employees to the proper treatment providers.
What the supervisor can, should, SHOULD NOT and must do when confronted with possible alcohol or drug impairment meets Training Requirements for the federal Department of Transportation and state Drug Free Workplace Programs.
The Supervisor's Role training is designed to help ALL supervisors and managers, whether they supervise regulated and/orĀ non-regulated employees, including:
- New Supervisors
- Experienced Supervisors needing updates
- Supervisors needing to meet DOT requirements
Substance abuse is an issue of conduct and performance. This training seminar enables supervisors to recognize and handle job performance problems. Supervisors will gain knowledge of the types and effects of substance abuse and the methods of observation and documentation. This interactive seminar teaches supervisors how to confront workers about job performance issues. The Supervisor's Role provides an understanding of the supervisor's responsibilities in carrying out company policy and how to avoid charges of supervisor negligence.
Our Reasonable Suspicion Training for Supervisors course will:
- Raise your awareness that substance abuse in the workplace affects everyone.
- Ensure that you have a clear understanding of what the Drug-Free Workplace Program (DFWP) requires.
- Ensure that supervisors and managers understand their roles and responsibilities regarding reasonable suspicion in the workplace.
- Educate supervisors and managers in the processes necessary to properly and efficiently identify and investigate crisis situations.
- Recognize workplace problems that may be related to alcohol and other drugs.
- Provide the proper steps and guidance necessary for successful intervention in problem or crisis situations.
- Provide guidance on how to refer employees who may have problems with alcohol and other drugs and protect employee confidentiality.
- Teach you how to successfully supervise employees who have been referred to assistance and avoid enabling and other common supervisor traps.